New How To Choke Gratis Mtn 3.5Gb Together With 17.5Gb But For The Weekend Past Times Unspou

Still on MTN wow weekend information bonus; aside from the gratuitous 100MB in addition to 1GB bonus information that you lot tin perish when you lot recharge amongst N200 in addition to higher upward N500 MTN has fifty-fifty pepped upward the wow weekend information bonus this fourth dimension roughly equally subscribers tin straight off perish whopping gratuitous 3.5GB in addition to 17.5G when they subscribe to MTN information plans.

Now permit us present you lot how to perish the bonus 3.5GB or 17.5GB precisely for this weekend.

To sentiment your information bonus, precisely dial *131*4#.

Note that subsequently you lot cause got subscribed to the data, the normal information allotted to you lot has the normal one calendar month validity menses whereas the bonus information is exclusively valid from straight off (Friday) to Lord's Day midnight.

Again, during browsing in addition to downloading, the bonus information is deducted origin in addition to your principal information volition start getting deducted on Mon that is if you lot did non exhaust the bonus information earlier that period.

Finally it is too of import to regime annotation that some few MTN tariff plans don’t qualify for this MTN wow weekend information offering in addition to that is why nosotros cause got taken our time" target="_blank">here to listing out all the plans that qualify in addition to those that don’t qualify for this offer.

What are you lot waiting for?

Enjoy an MTN datafull weekend inwards the lastly weekend of July 2016!


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